Pre-Anesthetic Testing Information From

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Pre-Anesthetic Testing Information Form

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Your cat is scheduled for a procedure that may require sedation and/or anesthesia

Your cat will receive an evaluation prior to the administration of a sedative or anesthetic. Any medical or other conditions that are observed and may effect sedation or anesthesia will be considered and noted.

There are some medical conditions that do not readily show up during this evaluation, and are easily detected by pre-anesthetic blood tests. We therefore ask that the owners of all cats who are scheduled for sedation or anesthesia consider pre-anesthetic blood tests for their cat. These tests are run in our inhouse analyzer and the results are ready in minutes. While a normal physical exam can give us a high level of confidence of an uneventful sedation or anesthesia, a normal blood test raises this confidence even higher, especially in older patients or patients with medical issues. Some veterinarians consider pre-anesthetic testing to be a routine “standard of care.”

These blood tests allow us to:

Establish a “baseline” database

Testing performed before sedation or anesthesia makes any tests run in the future more valuable, as values can be compared.

Diagnose preexisting conditions

These blood tests help to diagnose conditions such as low red cell counts, dehydration, low sugar reserves, and organ dysfunctions. Appropriate measures can be taken to address these issues and increase the safety of the sedation or anesthesia.

Provide additional peace of mind

Pre-anesthetic blood tests offer an additional level of diligence that assures a positive outcome, and can provide increase peace of mind for the concerned cat owner.

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